Tater man,
I cannot believe you are 9 months old already! We are 3 months away from your first birthday and the time has gone much too quickly.
You are starting to crawl and can go from the sitting to crawling position in a flash! You are so mobile all of the sudden, squirming and scooting and even pushing yourself backwards to get to what you want. Your favorite toys right now are your crawl ball that flashes and rolls, your tiny workbench and your teething keys that make car noises. I think your most favorite toy of all is your big sister. You guys sit in her room and play and play and play happily and I love hearing her interact with you and your happy squeals when you are together.
I'm pretty sure the only person you love hanging out with more than your big sister is your Daddy. You are two peas in a pod and sometimes I look at you guys and fast forward many years in the future to you working on cars together, up on the roof putting on Christmas lights and fishing and hunting. It is such a special bond.
Bathtime is so much fun for you. You sit in the tub with Addie like a big boy and even splash her! She has met her match. You love it when she dumps water over your head and it makes you splash and splash even more.
You are a chunky monkey! I weighed you today and you are almost 22 pounds! It will be time for a big kid car seat soon. You are still eating 30-32 oz a day and you love love LOVE your baby yogurt, it is your favorite. You are having fun playing with finger foods and put them to your mouth but you aren't really interested in eating them. I can tell you are going to be very picky about textures!
No teeth yet, but working very hard at working them through!
You've been sleeping like a champ, 6pm-6am and are taking two naps a day.
My favorite time of the weekday is after you and Addie's naptime. All the chores are done, dinner is prepped, outside time is over, learning time is over and I curl up with you and your sister on my lap for snuggle time and we watch a movie on the iPad. Right now we've been watching Up over and over and I don't even care we are watching it for the 5,000th time because it is my quiet time with the two of you. To hold you close, smell the top of your sweet baby heads and take it all in.
You are our precious boy, we are not ready for you to grow into a toddler yet, but when you do, you will always be our sweet angel baby.
Mama & Daddy
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